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One of the most rigorous and largest general population-based HS epidemiological studies reported thus far, for the first time sheds light on the prevalence and impact of HS in Australia as well as the demographic characteristics of the sufferers.



A large global pharmaceutical company was seeking a partner for a cross-sectional, observational, population-based study to determine the prevalence of the rare disease Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) in the Australian adult population focusing on the demographics, management pathways and diagnosis rate of individuals living with HS. With any rare disease, establishing prevalence is extremely difficult. But with HS, a chronic inflammatory disease, which can cause great pain and disfigurement, many patients are reluctant to talk about their symptoms or seek help from physicians, thus adding an additional layer of difficulty in this particular study.



George Clinical not only has strong capability in interventional studies but also in observational research. Our experience with complex, novel studies helped researchers adopt a flexible, effective study design that also included cost savings. Due to the challenging nature of this study, our scientific team handled the implementation. George Clinical knew it was mandatory to set up an implementation plan that provided a simple and pragmatic approach to collect the data. We brought a strong understanding of the ethics process and the healthcare system in Australia allowing us to effectively engage with the ethics team and clinicians. Expert services provided by George Clinical to help sponsors with this large and difficult study included protocol writing, project conduct and management, statistical analysis, clinical study and report write up.