IIGANN 2021 – Virtual Symposium, Prague

IIGANN 2021 – Virtual Symposium, Prague

The International IgA Nephropathy Network will hold the 16th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy 21–23 September 2021 and George Clinical scientific leader Professor Jonathan Barratt will present a key presentation during the first plenary session of the event. Barratt, the Mayer professor of renal medicine at the University of Leicester, will present “RNA Interference in […]

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September 21st, 2021

SCDM 2021

Join this year’s virtual conference September 26-27. Co-chairing the event will be Abby Abraham, Head of Data Science at George Clinical. This year’s theme for the SCDM 2021 conference is “Future Now: v2.021”. The international annual SCDM Global Conference provides the opportunity to learn and share advances in the field of Clinical Data Management (CDM), enabling industry […]

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September 9th, 2021

ERA-EDTA Virtual Congress 2021

George Clinical presents its kidney research expertise during the ERA-EDTA Virtual Congress this month. Sessions include David Wheeler, Hiddo Lambers Heerspink and Jonathan Barratt. View the program and presentations here. For more information on our scientific leaders, their abstracts and how we can support your study, please contact Matthew Reabold at [email protected].

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June 8th, 2021

ASCO 2021

Join Us (Virtually) at 2021 ASCO George Clinical’s deep oncology research expertise will be on display this month during the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting. Several leaders will be featured in sessions during the conference including Lee Schwartzberg, Ari VanderWalde, Herbert Loong, Ralph Boccia, Timothy Pluard and Jason Chandler.   Follow these links to view their […]

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May 25th, 2021

DIA China 2021

Will you be attending DIA China this year? Visit our booth #C3F19.  George Clinical has provided full-service clinical trial solutions in China since 2007 with therapeutic expertise in kidney and metabolic, oncology, cardiovascular, neurology and respiratory. Are you looking for assistance on an upcoming project? We will have members of our business development team available […]

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April 29th, 2021

ISCR 2021

George Clinical’s Head of Data Management India, Ullas Arabhavi, will be participating in the 14th annual Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR) virtual conference March 19-20, 2021. Ullas will be speaking on the topic, Emergence of Decentralized Clinical Trials in post-pandemic world: Opportunities and cautions. This session is slated for Friday, March 19th from 3:45 […]

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March 6th, 2021


George Clinical’s scientific leaders Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod and Dr. Carolyn Lam have been chosen to participate in the 18th annual World Congress Insulin Resistance Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease (WCIRDC) virtual conference. This event runs December 3-6, 2020. On Sunday December 6, Dr. Kosiborod will be presenting at Session #17, Cardiovascular Disease and Insulin Resistance on the […]

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December 3rd, 2020

SCDM India

George Clinical’s Global Head of Data Science, Abby Abraham, has been chosen to participate in the SCDM virtual conference. This event runs December 4-5, 2020. Abraham will be chairing a panel discussion on the topic, Evolution of Monitoring Approach (2.0) on December 4. Interested in learning more or attending?  Please visit scdmindia.org/Program-Overview.php noting the sessions and scdmindia.org/index.php for details […]

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December 3rd, 2020

17th Global Cardio Vascular Clinical Trialists Forum

Every year brings landmark, evidence-based clinical trials in cardiovascular, cardiorenal and cardiometabolic medicine. The CVCT Forum is a unique global meeting where key experts and physicians from various backgrounds discuss game-changing topics including trial rationale, design issues, trial conduct and operational issues, statistical methodology and interpretation, clinical meaning, regulatory agency approvability, valuation, and implementation into […]

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December 1st, 2020

Virtual Asia Perspective, COVID-19 – The Series of Crisis Management – Round-table Conference, Asian Senior Pharmacists

Working together. 共同协作   James Cheong, George Clinical CEO, has been invited to participate in the virtual Asia Perspective,COVID-19, The series of crisis management – Round-table Conference, Asian Senior Pharmacists, representing Singapore on April 25th. 蒋阁辉先生,乔治临床首席执行官,代表新加坡受邀参加4月25日举行的“亚洲视角,战 “疫”总结,医院应急与危机管理系列的亚洲药师圆桌会议”   George Clinical welcomes the opportunity to participate with other healthcare professionals, Zailab, and some of China’s major […]

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April 24th, 2020

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